10 Key Ways To Avoid Exhaustion When Traveling for Months at a Time

Experiencing exhaustion while traveling the world isn’t inconvenient; for many adventurers, it’s inevitable. It’s shocking how many people accept that they’ll be exhausted throughout their months-long trip, but it doesn’t have to be that way! Here are a handful of critical ways to avoid exhaustion when traveling for months at a time.

1. Stop Bouncing Around

woman sleeping with earphones in
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

I can’t tell you how many of my friends travel to Europe and spend most of their time checking in and out of hotels, hostels, and Airbnb rentals. If you’re suffering from travel fatigue, you most likely have yourself to blame! Stop bouncing around from location to location, and don’t feel guilty about laying your head to rest in the same bed for more than just a day or two at a time.

2. Enjoy Designated Rest Days

Woman resting in hammock
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Scheduling a designated, pre-planned rest day can do wonders for you physically and mentally. Whenever you travel for months, you owe it to yourself to give your body a much-needed break. Many travelers advise providing yourself with one day of relaxation per week; use this day to take it easy in every way possible. Read a book, sip on wine, and don’t worry about “exploring” as much as possible. Let your body rest!

3. Listen to Your Body

tired traveler at the airport
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Countless people refuse to listen to their bodies in every aspect of their lives. Regardless of whether you schedule an “off” day or not, it’s crucial to pay attention when your body signals it means rest. Headaches, cramps, soreness, and feelings of lethargicness aren’t things to ignore; rest up until those symptoms of overwork and overstimulation disappear. Don’t be laser-focused on your pre-planned itinerary; if your body is screaming, stop it however you can!

4. Don’t Walk Everywhere

tired tourist
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

While most European cities are highly walkable in the best way, you needlessly wear out your body if you walk everywhere! While using your own two feet should be your primary method of transportation, make sure you mix in some other ways as well! Riding public transit, scooters, or bicycles are viable alternatives to help stave off exhaustion on a lengthy trip.

5. Plan One Activity per Day

Tired Tourist Women looking at map
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

When it comes to planning a daily itinerary, don’t go crazy. Countless people with experience traveling the world reveal that their number-one regret is scheduling too many “things” in one day. By sticking to one main activity daily, you’ll avoid exhaustion and can take advantage of “slow living.” Many travelers believe this is the best way to explore an unfamiliar area and create as many memories as possible!

6. Adjust Your Expectations

woman looking out from balcony
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Sometimes, the best way to avoid exhaustion is to adjust your expectations and re-work your brain regarding how you view your trip. Seeing your adventure in a different light can give you a valuable new perspective, as one person attests. “Just because you are on vacation does not mean you are required to do something every day or keep moving from place to place,” explains one experienced traveler. “There’s no reason you can’t take a day or a weekend off and lay around like a lazy, happy lump or spend a week or two in the same place.” I couldn’t have said it better myself.

7. Maintain a Healthy Sleep Schedule

woman waking up with a view in a hotel
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

I can’t stress enough how vital a healthy sleep schedule is. While it’s important during your everyday life, it’s especially essential when you’re traveling for months at a time! Going to bed at the same time every night (with no distractions like TV or a smartphone) and waking up at the same time each morning is one of the best ways to stay generally healthy and avoid exhaustion.

8. Drink More Water

hiker drinking water
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

If you’re anything like me, you probably don’t drink as much water as you should. When you see the world, it’s easy to be blinded by the excitement and forget necessities like drinking enough water! Being tired all the time is a byproduct of being dehydrated, so get ahead of this by drinking as much water as you can while traveling. In fact, let’s take this one step further: Stop what you’re doing and drink a tall glass of water right now. It’s for the best.

9. Eat Healthier

tourist holding up a plate of food
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Whenever I travel, I eat like an animal. From street food to pastries (and everything in between), I like to shove as much food into my mouth as humanly possible. However, do as I say and not as I do. You’ll prioritize your overall physical and mental health by focusing on healthy eating. Trust me, you’ll begin feeling more alert and less exhausted almost immediately!

10. Take Daily Naps

woman relaxing on a sofa
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

In addition to maintaining a healthy sleep schedule, it’s always smart to summon your inner kid and take advantage of daily naps! Remember, there’s a reason why many countries utilize “siestas;” it’s a proven method to energize you for the latter half of the day by giving you some much-needed rest earlier. There’s no shame in napping; wear your love of napping like a badge of honor, and watch how good you feel!

Source: Reddit.

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