Mental Health Crisis in America: Biden Battles With Insurance Companies Over Health Cover

As the mental health crisis deepens in America, a fierce debate is erupting between insurance companies and the Biden administration over coverage for mental health care. 

New Rules

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The Biden administration is proposing new rules aiming to make mental health care more affordable.

Insurance companies are opposing this, citing high costs and unachievable standards.

Stakes for Consumers

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Consumers currently pay a hefty amount out-of-pocket for mental health care.

The proposed changes aim to lessen this financial out-of-pocket burden.

Insurer Opposition

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Insurance companies claim these proposed changes would add costs and do little to address the scarcity of mental health providers.

Cost to Insurers

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The first-year cost of complying with the new regulations would be $291 million for insurers and around $118 million in the following years.

Industry Pushback

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AHIP, an insurance industry group, argues that the proposals have legal and operational flaws and won’t achieve their intended goals.

Access to Treatment

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Despite laws in place to make mental health treatment accessible, many find it unaffordable or difficult to obtain the care they need.

Rising Demand

medicine, age, health care and people concept - senior woman, man and doctor with tablet pc computer at hospital ward
Image Credit: Shutterstock / Ground Picture

In the late stages of the Covid-19 pandemic, 30% of adults reported symptoms like anxiety and depression. The need for treatment is increasing.

Coverage Inconsistencies

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55% of people suffering from mental illness don’t get treatment. Reasons include high costs and inadequate insurance coverage.

Out-Of-Pocket Reality

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Many individuals are paying completely out-of-pocket for mental health services.

The idea of affordable treatment exists more on paper than in practice.

Workforce Shortage

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There’s a huge gap in the number of mental health providers available. An estimated 350 individuals are vying for each available provider.

Reimbursement Disparities

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Mental health providers often receive lower reimbursement rates compared to other medical providers, discouraging many from accepting insurance.

Compliance and Penalties

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If the proposal takes effect, insurers failing to ensure equal coverage for mental health could face penalties and would need to inform their enrollees.

Implementation Timeline

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If approved, the new regulations would become applicable starting on or after January 1, 2025.

Skepticism From Insurers

Image Credit: Shutterstock / – Yuri A

Insurers argue that many of the new requirements set standards that are impossible to meet, raising concerns over practical implementation.

Advocates Weigh In

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Mental health organizations argue that insurance companies need to do more to make mental health care accessible and affordable.

Administration’s Stance

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The Biden administration contends that the new rules are necessary to prevent insurers from limiting or denying mental health coverage unfairly.

Continuing Concern

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This unfolding debate brings to light the systemic challenges of making mental health care both accessible and affordable. As the discourse continues, the impact on patients remains a major concern.

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The post Mental Health Crisis in America: Biden Battles With Insurance Companies Over Health Cover first appeared on From Frugal to Free.

Featured Image Credit: Shutterstock / Ground Picture. The people shown in the images are for illustrative purposes only, not the actual people featured in the story.

The content of this article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute or replace professional financial advice.

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