18 Costly Reasons Americans Are Shying Away from Military Service

The decision to join the military is more about money now than ever. Here’s why fewer Americans are signing up, and how finances play a big role.

#1. Stagnant Wages

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The starting pay for an enlisted soldier is significantly lower compared to private sector jobs requiring similar levels of education and responsibility. For example, a private in the Army starts at about $20,000 a year, while entry-level positions in tech can offer salaries several times that amount.

2. Spousal Employment Challenges

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Military spouses face unemployment rates up to six times higher than the national average, largely due to frequent moves. This not only strains household finances but also limits the professional growth and income potential of military families.

#3. Education Benefits Competition

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Though the Post-9/11 GI Bill covers full tuition for public universities and a housing stipend, many private companies offer competitive education benefits, including tuition reimbursement and scholarships, without the commitment of military service.

#4. Raising a Military Family Costs

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The costs of childcare, healthcare, and housing on a military salary stretch budgets thin. For instance, out-of-pocket costs for childcare on military bases can run hundreds of dollars a month, even with subsidies.

#5. Limited Leave

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Military personnel accrue 2.5 days of leave per month, but operational demands can restrict their ability to use it. This limits opportunities for supplemental income or personal financial management, unlike civilian jobs that may offer more flexibility.

#6. Travel Uncertainties

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While the prospect of travel is appealing, the reality often involves deployments to conflict zones or remote bases where families can’t follow, adding emotional strain and potential additional costs to maintain a home back in the U.S.

#7. Housing Allowance Shortfalls

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The BAH is often outpaced by the housing markets in high-cost areas such as San Diego or Washington, D.C., where rent can exceed the allowance by hundreds of dollars, forcing families to cover the difference.

#8. Healthcare Concerns

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Though Tricare provides comprehensive coverage, accessing specialized care or dealing with bureaucratic hurdles can lead to additional stress and expenses, particularly for families with special medical needs.

#9. Childcare Expenses

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The demand for on-base childcare far exceeds supply, leading many families to seek more expensive off-base options. Monthly costs can easily exceed $1,000 for one child, depending on the location.

#10. Retirement Plan Changes

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The transition to the Blended Retirement System combines a reduced pension with matching contributions to the Thrift Savings Plan. However, this places more financial planning responsibility on the service member and may result in lower guaranteed retirement income.

#11. Civilian Job Skills Gap

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Veterans often find their specific military skills don’t directly translate to civilian jobs, potentially requiring additional education or training, for which they may need to pay out of pocket if their GI Bill benefits are exhausted.

#12. Veteran Unemployment

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While veteran unemployment rates have fluctuated, the transition to civilian employment can be challenging, impacting long-term earnings and career progression.

#13. Disability and Healthcare Post-Service

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Veterans with service-related injuries may face lifelong healthcare costs and challenges. For example, the VA disability compensation starts at just over $140 per month for a 10% disability rating but may not cover all related medical expenses.

#14. GI Bill Limitations

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The GI Bill covers tuition at public universities and a housing stipend, but those attending more expensive private institutions or living in high-cost areas may find these benefits insufficient, requiring additional loans or out-of-pocket expenses.

#15. Risk vs. Reward Perception

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The inherent risks of military service, including potential injury or death, may not seem worth the financial benefits and long-term health risks, especially when compared to safer civilian careers with similar or better pay.

#16. Opportunity Costs

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Young people considering the military are also considering the opportunity cost of not entering the civilian job market immediately, where they could start earning and advancing in their careers without the interruption of deployments.

#17. Deployment Impact on Finances

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Deployments complicate financial planning and management, from maintaining a household in the service member’s absence to dealing with irregular pay or combat zone tax exclusions.

#18. Economic Mobility Challenges

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The frequent moves and deployments inherent in military life can hinder both the service member’s and their spouse’s ability to build careers, save money, and invest in their future, affecting their economic mobility and financial security.

A Complex Choice

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Tianyu Han

Joining the military means thinking about money, which makes the decision harder for many Americans. Balancing the pride of service with needing financial stability remains a significant challenge.

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The post 18 Costly Reasons Americans Are Shying Away from Military Service first appeared on From Frugal to Free.

Featured Image Credit: Shutterstock / Tianyu Han.

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