Republicans Fuel America’s Growing Immigration Worries, Trump Calls Influx a ‘Joe Biden Invasion’

New polling suggests that more Americans are worrying about immigration than any other national issue, including inflation and the economy.

Immigration Primary Concern in New Poll

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According to a new poll from workplace consulting and research group Gallup, immigration has topped the list of national concerns in the eyes of most average Americans.

First Time Since 2019

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This is the first time that immigration has reached the top of similar Gallup polls since 2019, which should come as no surprise – this was the same year that U.S. borders saw record numbers of immigrant crossings via the southern border.

28% Increase

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28% of participants reported immigration as the top issue, up from just 20% from the same poll last month.

Increasing Divisions

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Immigration has become an increasingly divisive topic throughout the U.S. It beat out both inflation and the economy as potential national concerns. 

A Republican Concern?

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But it is largely an issue driven by Republican sentiments, according to Gallup findings. 57% of Republican participants chose immigration as the most important issue, compared to 37% from the same poll in January.

55% Sense Critical Threat

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Many Americans are particularly concerned about illegal immigration via border crossing, with 55% seeing it as a “critical” threat to the country. 

Post-Covid Surge

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Illegal immigration rates have soared since the end of the COVID-19 pandemic, with millions of people crossing into the country via both the southern and northern borders as entry restrictions eased in countries around the world. 

4 Million Illegal Entries

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According to government data, 4.26 million migrants have entered the country illegally between the beginning of the 2022 fiscal year and the end of 2023. 

Border Visit

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As the debate heats up around the topic, politicians at the very top of the chain of command have begun to take notice.

Last week both President Biden and Donald Trump visited Texas border towns to speak on the immigration issue. 

Trump Takes Shots at Biden

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During his visit to the town of Eagle Pass, which has been at the center of the border dispute, Trump referred to the flood of people as a “Joe Biden invasion” and a “vicious violation” of U.S. law.

Biden Calls to “Set Politics Aside”

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Biden, on the other hand, gave a speech in Brownsville where he urged Trump and Republican congress members to “set politics aside” and agree to a border security deal that he believed would help to ease the flow of migration and its worst effects.

“We Can Do It Together”

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“Join me or I’ll join you in telling Congress to pass this bipartisan border security bill. We can do it together,” he told the crowd. “It’s the toughest most efficient, most effective border security bill the country has ever seen.”

Voter Confidence Plummets

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New strategies are sorely needed, both practically and politically, as public confidence in Biden’s approach has plummeted.

According to a CNN poll, only 30% of voters approve of the current administration’s handling of border and immigration affairs. 

Democrats Ask Questions

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Voters aren’t the only ones turning their back on Biden’s approach. Many Democratic officials have expressed concerns of their own, particularly in ‘sanctuary cities’ like New York, Chicago, and Denver.

Cities Overwhelmed

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These cities have been overwhelmed by the influx of undocumented migrants in the last 6 months, facilitated by Texas Governor Greg Abbot who has transported tens of thousands of people from the US-Mexico border to these northern cities. 

Strain on Sanctuary Cities

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All three are reportedly struggling to provide sufficient care for the thousands of migrants, mainly from Latin America, who are flooding into their cities.

It has placed a significant strain on city funds, housing, and healthcare. 

Denver Makes Changes

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In Denver, Colorado, city authorities have had to shut down four immigrant shelters in order to lower the $120 million city budget gap resulting from millions spent on undocumented groups. 

New York Speaks Out

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New York City Mayor Eric Adams has also challenged sanctuary city laws, which make it more difficult to arrest and charge illegal immigrants.

Immigration and Crime

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Concerns around parallels between illegal immigration and violent crime have been on the rise and further inflamed by the murder of Georgia nursing student Riley Lakens on February 22.

Lakens was killed by 26-year-old Jose Antonio Ibarra, an illegal immigrant from Venezuela.

Trump Jumps In

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Trump also spoke about Lakens, using the death to rile up political rhetoric around illegal immigration.

“He was released at Crooked Joe’s orders and set loose into our country,” Trump said of Ibarra. “How many more innocent victims must be harmed?”

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The post Republicans Fuel America’s Growing Immigration Worries, Trump Calls Influx a ‘Joe Biden Invasion’ first appeared on From Frugal to Free.

Featured Image Credit: Shutterstock / Aaron Wells.

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