The word retirement can excite pure bliss or financial dread. Are you ready to enjoy a peaceful life, basking in all you have accomplished, or are you worried about the money you have saved? A lot of retirees are not ready financially for the change, but luckily, there are some resources for those in need. […]
Author: Hailey McLaughlin
Top Travel Bargains: 20 Must-Visit Budget Destinations for 2024

Soaking up the culture in a foreign country is one aspect that makes traveling fun. You get to indulge in another culture’s food, performances, architecture, lifestyle, and more. As such, going to more varied countries to understand them better and gain various experiences is a great goal. #1. Cuba A country with a vibrant mix […]
15 Budget Blunders Trapping You in the Paycheck Cycle

Living paycheck to paycheck isn’t ideal, yet that doesn’t stop 62% of Americans from living in that matter. If you constantly feel you can’t keep your head above water financially, it’s time to look in the mirror. All people living paycheck to paycheck are guilty of these financial blunders; how many apply to you? #1. Only Making […]
Over 60? Conquer Job Market Challenges with These 15 Tips

According to news reports, the U.S. job market is robust, and employers are desperate for workers. Despite these claims, many people, especially those over 60, struggle to find employment. Being a mature jobseeker doesn’t mean being automatically excluded from the workforce. There are several things experienced workers can do to land their ideal position. People […]
Trashy or Thrifty? 25 Wedding Cost-Cutting Ideas

Weddings are a celebration of love, but they can also be a significant financial burden. According to The Knot, the average American wedding cost a whopping $30,000 in 2022! So you can understand why people want to make savings where possible. While it’s wise to be budget-conscious, there’s a fine line between frugal and cheap. […]
11 Everyday Items Now Too Expensive to Justify Buying

Thanks to inflation, rising manufacturing costs, and an upside-down global economy, prices are rising across the board for many of our favorite products and items. But where do consumers draw the line? Recently, concerned consumers have revealed the things that have become so expensive they’re no longer worth purchasing! #1. Netflix Subscriptions Once one of […]
Top 11 Stores for a 10-Minute Shopping Frenzy: Ultimate Grab-and-Go!

It’s time we all transported ourselves into the world of make-believe. While shopping sprees are fun, what about going on a shopping spree where you wouldn’t have to pay for anything? (Are you catching my drift?) Where would you go if you had ten minutes to execute the perfect grab-and-go experience of your life? Recently, […]
Rediscover Life’s Small Pleasures: 12 Affordable Luxuries To Brighten Your Day

Sometimes, life hands you a cold glass of lemonade instead of just the sour fruit. And on occasion, that sour fruit can be made into something sweet. And when you can get nice, little treats on the cheap, it’s a reason to smile, and these are some of our favorite examples of frugal luxuries. #1. […]
Retirement Readiness: 15 Financial Pitfalls to Avoid

The word retirement can excite pure bliss or financial dread. Are you ready to enjoy a peaceful life, basking in all you have accomplished, or are you worried about the money you have saved? A lot of retirees are not ready financially for the change, but luckily, there are some resources for those in need. […]
Culture Vultures: 20 Best Budget Travel Destinations for 2024

Soaking up the culture in a foreign country is one aspect that makes traveling fun. You get to indulge in another culture’s food, performances, architecture, lifestyle, and more. As such, going to more varied countries to understand them better and gain various experiences is a great goal. #1. Cuba A country with a vibrant mix […]