If your education stopped short of teaching you how to manage your finances, these tips can help you get on the right track. Closing Gaps in Financial Education For some reason, most schools still don’t include personal finance lessons as part of the standard curriculum, leaving young adults in the lurch as they go out […]
Author: Haley White
Expert Tips to Simplify Selling Your Home in Today’s Market

While the housing market is unprecedented, check out these expert tips for making the home-selling process as easy as possible. What to Do to Prepare a Home for Sale If you’re considering selling your home in 2024, you may face a daunting process. Whether it’s your first time selling or you’re a property veteran, some […]
California’s Squatter Storm: Action Brewing or All Talk?

Following the lead of several other states around the country, California has issued a stark warning to squatters in the Golden State. A National Issue In several high-profile cases in states like New York and Florida, homeowners have made national headlines as they fought to regain control of their properties from strangers. The Price of […]
13 Essential Money Lessons You Won’t Learn in School

If your education stopped short of teaching you how to manage your finances, these tips can help you get on the right track. Closing Gaps in Financial Education For some reason, most schools still don’t include personal finance lessons as part of the standard curriculum, leaving young adults in the lurch as they go out […]
Suze Orman’s Bold Advice: Shift Focus from Retirement to the Present

Saving for retirement is a critical part of adulthood, but some people may want to rethink their priorities. Find out what Suze Orman had to say. Orman’s Surprising Advice Famed financial expert Suze Orman ruffled some feathers recently with her retirement savings advice, but she had a good reason for her take on the issue. […]
Squatter Legislation Blocked by Arizona Governor

Squatters’ rights have been a hot-button topic around the country, but one Democratic governor has squashed a bill designed to protect the rights of property owners. Katie Hobbs Says No to Anti-Squatter Bill Katie Hobbs, the current governor and former Secretary of State of Arizona, has drawn ire from property owners in her state after […]
$20 Wage Increase Forces California Restaurants Out of Business

Earlier this year, a minimum wage hike for many fast-food restaurants in California was announced. The move garnered national attention, and some businesses weren’t up to the task. Restaurants Close Due to Minimum Wage Hike Californians looking to enjoy a Fosters Freeze or Mod Pizza treat in some cities are sure to be disappointed when […]
L.A. Times Staff Cuts Spark Fears for Journalism’s Future

One-fifth of the journalists working for the Los Angeles Times will be saying goodbye to their jobs this week as the company faces a “financial crisis.” Journalists Laid off in Mass Numbers The newsroom at the Los Angeles Times will be a little quieter now, following a layoff of over a hundred journalists. A majority […]
USDA Loans: Making Your Dream Home a Reality

Prospective homebuyers have many options when it comes to financing their new homes, but some loan types can offer the opportunity of homeownership to those who may not have a down payment saved. For those who qualify, USDA loans can be a great path to owning your home. What is a USDA Loan? USDA, or […]
Baby Boomers Speak Up Against Workplace Age Bias

Baby boomers are worried about facing mistreatment at work and getting overlooked for job opportunities because of their age. Discrimination Between Demographics When it comes to finding new jobs, many demographics, from women to people of color to members of the LGBTQ+ community, worry that they will face discrimination during the hiring process. Two-thirds of […]