As the cost of living continues to climb, managing your finances smartly is more critical than ever. Adopting frugal living habits can significantly cut down your expenses, paving the way for a more secure financial future. And you don’t have to sacrifice all of your little pleasures, either. We’ve got 25 practical, frugal living tips […]
Author: Mark Garro
15 Reasons Why Florida Might Not Be the Best Choice for Retirees
Congratulations, you have worked hard enough and are ready to retire. Let me guess, you are looking at the sandy beaches of Florida to spend your remaining years? It’s not a bad idea, but have you weighed the pros and cons? If not, give me some time to persuade you to avoid the Sunshine State […]
24 Reasons Why West Virginia Tops the List for Retirement
Discover why West Virginia (WV) is the optimal retirement destination. With stunning landscapes, affordable living, and a rich cultural heritage, it provides a unique blend of tranquility and community. Explore the practical reasons that make the Mountain State an ideal place for retirees to call home. 1. Music Heritage West Virginia has an awesome music […]
24 Classic Board Games That Are Worth More Than Newer Versions
Board games have been helping people keep from being born for over a hundred years. Whether they are basic games for kids or strategy games for adults, some of these games have evolved, while some live in our nostalgia. Of course, collectors love nostalgia, and some of our favorite games are worth a lot of […]
Auto Dealers Resist Push for Electric Vehicles
The ambitious goal set by the Biden administration for electric vehicle (EV) adoption is facing significant challenges. Auto Dealers Express Concerns More than 3,000 auto dealers in the U.S. have urged the White House to reconsider its aggressive EV targets. Their collective sentiment highlights a lack of consumer readiness and enthusiasm for battery electric vehicles […]
Living on a Budget: Affordable Places to Settle Down Across America
The cost of living in the United States varies widely, with certain states exhibiting significantly higher expenses than others. This variation impacts everything from housing to healthcare, influencing where people choose to live and work. Understanding the Cost of Living Index The cost of living index measures the relative price levels of goods and services […]
Employers Upset Over Recent Changes in 401(k) Rules
The latest Biden administration rule on 401(k) plans is reshaping how employers manage retirement plans. It’s a complex scenario requiring a fresh understanding of fiduciary duties and provider relationships. This rule aims to protect employees but also imposes new responsibilities on employers. Revised Fiduciary Standards The U.S. Labor Department’s new rules expand fiduciary investment advice […]
Divorce in Your Fifties: The Impact on Mental and Financial Health
Long-term marriage vows were once seen as unbreakable, yet people over 50 are increasingly parting ways. Older Americans Are Divorcing A 2022 study from The Journal of Gerontology reports that 36% of divorcing Americans are over 50. This surge in “gray divorce” presents challenges and implications extending well beyond the couple. Decades of Wealth Need […]
Medicare’s Unseen Expenses Affecting Seniors’ Health
Those approaching the age of 65 may be looking forward to enrolling in Medicare, and assume the program will cover most healthcare expenses. However, new data shows that Medicare is not the one-stop solution many had hoped for regarding healthcare costs. Facing Financial Hardship The latest study from The Commonwealth Fund (CF) raises concerns about […]
High Debt Causes Many Gen Zers to Live with their Parents
In the U.S., young adults are facing financial challenges unlike those of their parents. The burden of debt driven by enormous mortgages and students loans are having a dramatic impact on key life milestones. Financial Dependence on Parents The Pew Research Center reports that less than half of 18- to 34-year-olds are fully financially independent […]