Biden’s Budget Deficit Hits $2 Trillion: A Closer Look

Official and Unofficial Numbers

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Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen announced a deficit of $1.7 trillion for fiscal 2023. However, $300 billion in student debt cancellations makes the actual deficit $2 trillion.

Previous Fiscal Year Comparison

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Last year’s budget deficit, adjusted for the same student debt factors, was less than $1 trillion, showing an alarming rise in a single year.

Unprecedented Increase

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Remarkably, this doubling occurred without a recession or war to explain the fiscal surge.

Role of Inflationary Spending

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A large part of this increase is due to inflationary spending by the federal government.

The Burden of National Debt

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The size of the U.S. national debt is now as big as the country’s annual economic output, known as GDP.

The Cost to Taxpayers

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While inflation erodes the buying power of average Americans, the wealthiest generation is benefiting from federal spending.

Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid

Medicaid Doctor holding digital tablet
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These three extensive entitlement programs saw increases in spending by 11%, 12%, and 4%, respectively.

Federal Reserve’s Counteraction

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The Federal Reserve raised interest rates to more than 5% to combat inflation, decreasing it to about 4% from near double digits.

Ongoing Federal Reserve Challenges

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This 4% inflation rate is still double the Federal Reserve’s target, indicating more work is needed to stabilize the economy.

Increased Debt Payments

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The government had to pay $184 billion more in interest on the debt compared to last year due to the rate hikes.

Banks Caught Unprepared

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An additional $101 billion was paid to depositors at banks like Silicon Valley Bank and First Republic, which didn’t plan for rate hikes.

Shrinking Federal Revenue

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The deficit ballooned partly because of a decline in federal revenue, which was down mainly due to

higher interest rates.

Stock Market Woes

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Income tax revenue fell by 9.3% because of lower capital gains, attributed to stock market uncertainty.

The Warning From Bond Yields

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Rising bond yields indicate that creditors might stop supporting U.S. debt without higher returns, pressuring the government to curb spending.

The Structural Problem

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Demographic factors and entitlement structures have been pushing the U.S. towards fiscal issues for years.

The Consequences of Policy Choices

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Biden’s policies and the bipartisan tendency to borrow have aggravated the existing deficit problems.

What It All Means

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If the government doesn’t take heed, it’s the everyday American who will bear the brunt through reduced purchasing power, higher interest rates, and financial insecurity.

Immediate Action Needed

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This rapid increase in the federal deficit has far-reaching implications, not just for the government but for the financial stability and future of every American.

Immediate action is needed to address these fiscal challenges and prevent further harm.

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The post Biden’s Budget Deficit Hits $2 Trillion: A Closer Look first appeared on From Frugal to Free.

Featured Image Credit: Shutterstock / OogImages.

The content of this article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute or replace professional financial advice.

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