If your education stopped short of teaching you how to manage your finances, these tips can help you get on the right track. Closing Gaps in Financial Education For some reason, most schools still don’t include personal finance lessons as part of the standard curriculum, leaving young adults in the lurch as they go out […]
15 Outdated Financial Habits Millennials Are Ditching

We’ve all heard the advice of the Baby Boomers and how things were way back when. But millennials seem to be doing things differently, through choice or not – ignoring these tips from the older generation. #1. “Buy a House as Soon as You Can” Boomers often tout home ownership as a cornerstone of financial […]
21 Rock-Solid Reasons Cash Will Never Be Obsolete

Cash, the OG of payments, might seem old-school, but it’s still got game. In a world dominated by digital transactions, there are plenty of reasons why cash remains a valuable asset. Here are 21 compelling reasons why cash is still clutch in our digital age. #1. Universal Acceptance Cash works everywhere, from bustling city markets […]
Interest Rate Hikes: Impact on Consumer Spending and Business Investment

Interest rate hikes are a powerful tool used by central banks to manage inflation and economic growth. However, these increases can have far-reaching effects on various aspects of the economy, particularly consumer spending and business investment. This article explores the multifaceted impact of rising interest rates on these crucial economic drivers. Understanding Interest Rate Hikes […]
U.S. Money Reserve Examines What Makes Gold a Coveted Commodity and Which Factors Could Increase Gold Prices

Physical gold only exists in limited quantities. Combined with the precious metal’s industrial, aesthetic, and monetary applications — as well as its allure as a symbol of wealth and prosperity — this relative scarcity has made gold a coveted commodity utilized by governments and individuals around the world as a trusted store of wealth. As […]
Study: Hidden Medicare Costs Are Hurting Seniors’ Health

Those approaching the age of 65 may be looking forward to enrolling in Medicare, and assume the program will cover most healthcare expenses. However, new data shows that Medicare is not the one-stop solution many had hoped for regarding healthcare costs. The latest study from The Commonwealth Fund (CF) raises concerns about the financial hardships […]
Scam Alert: Millennials in the Crosshairs of Fraudsters

Americans aged 30-49 are falling victim to investment scams more frequently than any other age group. This revelation comes from a recent FBI report that shines a light on a troubling trend in the digital age. Increased Vulnerability Among Millennials The FBI’s findings reveal that millennials have reported over 13,000 investment scam complaints. This demographic’s […]
City Luxe: 20 High-Priced Studios in Premier Urban Spots

Peek into the heart of America’s 16 most electrifying cities, and you’re hit with a harsh reality: the cost of being in the thick of it all is sky-high. Eye-watering rents for shoebox studios are the norm, demanding a ransom for a slice of the urban buzz. But at what point does the price tag […]
California’s Energy Tango: Navigating Clean Power Goals and Gas Price Surges

Californian cities are experiencing higher gas prices than any other state in the country, driven by the State’s commitment to cleaner fuels. But this dedication comes at a cost, and consumers are paying the price. California’s Gas Price Challenge With an average gas price of $4.49, California surpasses the national average of $3.10. But what […]
Uncle Sam’s Slice: How Much of Your $100K Salary Is Actually Yours?

Ever wondered how much of your $100,000 salary actually ends up in your pocket after taxes? We’ve crunched the numbers to show you just how much you can expect to take home in each state across the country. From high-tax states to those with lower rates, find out how your earnings stack up after Uncle […]