Do you have to spend a lot of time in your car? Maybe you have a long daily commute. Or perhaps you drive your children around to a lot of activities. Or maybe you find yourself on road trips on a regular basis. Whatever the reason, you can make that time useful for you. You […]
Better Life
Renting an Apartment Through Zumper (Pros and Cons)
As rents in San Francisco have started to decline for the first time in at least the fifteen years that I’ve lived here, I’ve begun to look into options for renting a new apartment. I’m not necessarily going to move, but I’m considering it. And because I’m the type of person who likes to get […]
Frugal Facebook Groups to Follow in 2020
If you love saving money, you love doing your research. One of the best ways to learn more about savings and connecting to other frugal consumers is through social media. I’m in many groups that align with my likes. From learning the credit card game to marriage advice, there is a group for everything. For […]
How to Save Money Being a Minimalist
A minimalist is a person who lives on less. They live and lead simplistic lives, only buying what they need and cutting out wants. Minimalist focus on experiences over worldly possessions. They intentionally promote things most valued to them and act with clarity and purpose. People who lead this lifestyle often spend less than they […]
What You Need to Know About Revolving Debt VS Fixed Payment Debt
Debt is not one-sided. While the headlines scream at us about how much debt Americans carry and how much people struggle to make their payments- no one mentions there are different kinds of debt. Debt’ is not just a catch-all term. We use it that way, but many types of it can mean different things […]
Can Health Insurance Cover Your Massage Therapy?
Medical insurance can be a tricky thing to navigate. There are hundreds of diffrent providers, insurance limits, and covered services. In addition to that, you have to find a plan that’s best suited to your needs and budget. If your someone looking to cover nontraditional health needs, then this is for you. Today we will […]
5 Frugal Choices Helping Me With Healthy Eating
I recently recommitted to healthy eating. Of course, it’s always been important to me. But naturally sometimes I stray from it. I started a new relationship last year and we enjoyed indulging in lots of tasty meals together. The COVID-19 pandemic hit and the stress made me want to comfort eat. But it’s time to […]
How to Apply for Affordable Housing
The COVID-19 pandemic has put many people into a low-income position that they’ve never been in before. As a result, an increasing number of people want to know how to apply for affordable housing. If you already having a rental house, then you might be able to take advantage of pandemic rent moratoriums. However, […]
Frugal Finds of the Week
This week has been rather laid back. The sun is out, people are out, and its time to start enjoying our nice summer days here, social distancing of course. Along with the better days, are some great deals I happened upon this week to make me feel extra special. Follow along for these frugal finds […]
National Coin Shortage Has Left Me Scrounging For Laundry Quarters
I truly couldn’t believe it when I went into Wells Fargo a few weeks ago to get quarters for my laundry machine and was told, “sorry, we don’t have any.” What do you mean? How can the bank not have any quarters? The bank teller told me that there was a national quarter shortage. It […]