Are you looking for ways to reduce your spending? If so then you might have wondered how to trade clothes online. After all, it’s nice to have a new outfit to wear but there are also a lot of really good reasons not to buy brand new clothing. If you learn how to trade clothes […]
Better Life
How to Cut Cost on Prescription Medicine
In this decade, the United States has made great strides at making medical care affordable. Over the last few years, these changes have somewhat reverted back to the old standard. That means more costly medical bills and medicine. I don’t know about you, but with a rise in cost comes a need to find discounts. […]
5 Things I Cut Out to Save Money During Pandemic … and 5 Things I Didn’t
We don’t really know what the long-term economic consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic are going to be. I certainly don’t know what the long-term or even short-term financial issues are for myself. Therefore, it seems better to save money during pandemic in any way that I can. Nevertheless, there are certain things that I spend […]
Lionsgate Movie Nights
Sitting at home during this pandemic has been tough. Being barred from dining out and going out for entertainment is hard. By now we all want out! While that is not a possibility, some companies are making our time at home worthwhile. If you are looking for a date night idea or better viewing options, […]
How To Minimize Expenses While Enjoying Life
There are a lot of things that I miss about being out and about with others during the shelter-in-place period that COVID-19 has forced upon us. Nevertheless, I tend to be a glass half full kind of person. Or at the very least, I try to find the silver lining in the challenging things that […]
How to Defeat your Bills during a Pandemic
There is a lot of panic, uncertainty, and worry in the world right now. With only a few sectors being deemed essential, many people have been furloughed, fired, or temporarily suspended from work pending the COVID-19 outbreak conclusion. With unemployment at an all-time high, and a lag in response times to get money to the […]
What Influences A Person to Impulse Buy
As an avid shopper and lover of all things frugal, I absolutely love hitting the stores to catch deals. While we all like fresh new, and exciting things, sometimes we overdo it. There are some people who take shopping too far. They spend frivolously on things beyond their budgets and stock up on items that […]
Things To Do with Your Money Instead of Buying Lottery Tickets
The luck of the draw is exciting for many people. It’s exciting to imagine yourself winning a large sum of money that can change your life. The prospect of paying down debt and making a large purchase you have always wanted is enough to make most head towards the lottery. While its allure is fun […]
Ways to Save on Your Morning Coffee At Starbucks
A great start to many people’s mornings is a hot cup of coffee. While it’s most cost-effective to make it at home, many of us just don’t have the time. Instead, we rush to our favorite coffee spot and get it on the go. The most notable go to places, being Starbucks. While going every […]
Types of Frugality: Digging Deeper Into Why I Want to Live Frugally
As I mentioned in last week’s post, I’ve been learning a bit more about spiritual frugality. I’ve also just been thinking generally about different types of frugality. We all have different reasons for choosing this path. I think if I get more connected to my own reasons for living frugally, then I’ll be able to […]