People everywhere say that the economy is improving. However, just because certain numbers indicate that things are getting financially better overall doesn’t mean that financial problems are resolving. In fact, there are some serious financial concerns. The 2018 National Financial Capability Study indicates that “for the majority of Americans, financial capability, stability, and confidence are […]
Better Life
Living in Asia as an Expat Might be An Expensive Choice
I have always thought that living as an expat was a frugal choice. Perhaps it’s because of the cliche image of the young backpacker forging their way around the world. More than that, though, I’ve had several friends who lived as expats around the world. Some of them went to Asia to teach English, fell […]
Millennial Money Compared to Gen Z
Millennial money is always interesting. This population of people simply sees things differently than others. They’re almost always compared to Baby Boomers or Gen Xers when it comes to money. However, as Gen Z now enters adulthood, it’s interesting to compare the two younger generations. Which Generation is Which? I always find it helpful to […]
Beyond Work-Life Balance: Work-Life Justice and Work-Life Fulfillment
We have heard about the importance of work-life balance for decades. Everyone knows that they should try to achieve it. Most people don’t really know how. In fact, instead of a helpful, healthy thing to strive for, work-life balance has become an impossible goal we beat ourselves up for not reaching. However, it doesn’t have […]
Frugal Living Blog Roundup: What You’ll Want To Read If You’re Not Already
I hope you’re visiting this frugal living blog because you find it both interesting and helpful. Of course, it’s not the only frugal living blog out there. There are so many different styles and approaches. The more that you read about frugal living, the more that you can learn. Not sure what other frugal living […]
Millennials vs. Baby Boomers When It Comes To Money
Each generation is different from those that come before and after it. There are a lot of complicated reasons for that, of course. Put simply, though, society shapes us. Therefore, what we experience as we grow up tends to shape our behavior. This is particularly true when it comes to money. Of course, within each […]
Sharing Economy: Can You Take It Too Far?
I definitely take part in the sharing economy. For example, I don’t own a car. When I need to use one, I either call a Lyft ride or do a peer rental from a site like Getaround. In the past, I’ve rented out a room in my apartment using AirBnb. I’ve definitely stayed in AirBnb […]
What is Frugal Fatigue and How to Fight It
There have been times in in my money-saving journey when I have caved in to frugal fatigue. Put simply, I got sick of living frugally. I got tired of doing the things I knew I should do to save money long-term. Therefore, I splurged. I busted my budget. It may have felt good momentarily but […]
Money Motivators: What Drives Your Spending?
Money means different things to different people. As a result, everyone has different money motivators. If you understand yours then you can get a better grip on your finances. Money motivators affect your earning, saving, and spending habits. In this article, we will look at some of the things that commonly drive people’s spending. If […]
Where to Take Free and Cheap Online Classes
I have personally paid a lot of money for my education over the years. There are pros and cons to going the traditional college route. I’m happy with the choices that I’ve made. That said, there are so many awesome options available these days to take free and cheap classes online. If you’re more interested […]