If your education stopped short of teaching you how to manage your finances, these tips can help you get on the right track. Closing Gaps in Financial Education For some reason, most schools still don’t include personal finance lessons as part of the standard curriculum, leaving young adults in the lurch as they go out […]
Better Life
America’s No-Go Zones: High Crime, Economic Woes, and Safety Warnings
From coast to coast, the United States offers a mix of dazzling destinations. But not all are created equal. Here, we reveal 18 places that might not live up to the hype. Whether it’s safety worries or boring sights, these spots need a second look before you hit the road. #1. Gary, Indiana Known for […]
15 Boomer Financial Tips Millennials Are Leaving Behind
We’ve all heard the advice of the Baby Boomers and how things were way back when. But millennials seem to be doing things differently, through choice or not – ignoring these tips from the older generation. #1. “Buy a House as Soon as You Can” Boomers often tout home ownership as a cornerstone of financial […]
Squatter Legislation Blocked by Arizona Governor
Squatters’ rights have been a hot-button topic around the country, but one Democratic governor has squashed a bill designed to protect the rights of property owners. Katie Hobbs Says No to Anti-Squatter Bill Katie Hobbs, the current governor and former Secretary of State of Arizona, has drawn ire from property owners in her state after […]
America’s Bumpy Ride: States with the Worst Roads
Ah, the joy of American roadways. Potholes deep enough to double as swimming pools, traffic like a parade that nobody wanted to attend, and road markings as mysterious as crop circles. If you’ve ever fantasized about driving in a post-apocalyptic movie, these states have got you covered: #1. Louisiana Louisiana consistently ranks poorly for road […]
Abroad No-Nos: 21 American Customs to Avoid
Americans sure have their quirks, but what flies at home doesn’t always get a pass on the global stage. From supersized meals to the casual invasion of personal space, our everyday norms can sometimes leave the rest of the world scratching their heads. Ever wondered what American habits might not sit well abroad? #1. Tipping […]
Venice Protests New Tourist Fee at Entrances
One of the most visited cities in the world is charging an entrance fee for day trips, the first ‘tourist tax’ of its kind. Venice Entry Fee On April 25, the historic Italian city of Venice became the first city in the world to charge an entry fee for day-tripping visitors. The move has sparked […]
Wyoming’s Massive 2.34 Billion Ton Find Rattles China’s Mineral Control
The U.S. could be about to break China’s dominance in the rare mineral industry after discovering a reported 2.34 billion tons of rare minerals in a site in Wyoming. Groundbreaking Discoveries in Rare Earth Minerals American Rare Earths Inc. revealed a 64% increase from its original estimate of rare minerals found in Wheatland, Wyoming. China […]
Renting for Less: Discovering $1,000 Properties Across America
The quest for affordable living spaces across the U.S. paints a vivid picture of how far $1,000 can stretch from one city to another. This journey through America’s diverse rental market showcases not just the square footage you can snag for your budget but also the quality and locale you might expect. Here’s how property […]
Texas Rising: 23 Compelling Reasons It’s the Next Hot Spot
Texas is rapidly emerging as a beacon of opportunity, blending a rich cultural heritage with booming economic growth. From its sprawling landscapes to its innovative industries, the Lone Star State is carving out a niche as a dynamic place to live, work, and play. Here are 23 reasons why Texas stands out as a state […]