As the cost of living continues to climb, managing your finances smartly is more critical than ever. Adopting frugal living habits can significantly cut down your expenses, paving the way for a more secure financial future. And you don’t have to sacrifice all of your little pleasures, either. We’ve got 25 practical, frugal living tips […]
Personal Finance
Social Security Simplified: Clearing Up Misconceptions About Your Benefits
Social Security is a crucial part of retirement planning, yet it’s surrounded by misconceptions. How much do you really know about your benefits? 1. Social Security Is Going Bankrupt It’s not going bankrupt; Social Security funds are projected to be sufficient until 2034. After that, the system can still pay 79% of benefits even without […]
Sunny Savings: Top 17 States for Solar Energy Investments
Investing in solar energy can be a smart financial move, especially in states where the conditions—both meteorological and economic—are favorable. High solar irradiance, strong state incentives, and favorable net metering policies can make solar investments particularly lucrative. Here are the top states in the U.S. where investing in solar energy can yield significant returns. 1. […]
Earn with Ease: 21 Simple Ways to Make Extra Money
Who wouldn’t love earning money with minimal effort? Imagine making an income while you sleep, travel, or enjoy your hobbies. It sounds too good to be true, but there are indeed ways to set up streams of income that require little to no daily effort once they’re established. Sure, they might need some initial setup […]
The Price of Belief: Ranking Religions by the Cost to Practice
Ever pondered the financial side of practicing different faiths? Today, we’re delving into the costs involved in various religions, from the most economical to the priciest. Are you ready to uncover the cost of enlightenment? 1. Unitarian Universalism With an emphasis on personal exploration and social justice, Unitarian Universalism typically involves minimal financial commitments beyond […]
The Shifting American Dream: How It’s Changed from Boomers to Gen Z
The American Dream feels more out of reach than ever, especially for younger generations. What once seemed attainable with hard work now faces obstacles at every turn, from soaring college costs to the elusive goal of homeownership. Here’s a rundown of why it’s harder to achieve that dream today, especially when comparing the experiences of […]
Power Players: 12 States Still Thriving on Fossil Fuels
In the realm of U.S. energy production, fossil fuels continue to play a pivotal role in driving local economies and supporting jobs. From vast coal reserves to booming oil fields, these states exemplify the deep integration of traditional energy sources in their economic fabric. Let’s explore the states with the heaviest reliance, counting down from […]
The Baby Boomer Effect: 20 Ways They Altered the Economy
The Baby Boomers: a generation that rocked the economy like a hurricane, leaving behind a trail of financial challenges for those caught in the aftermath. As they strutted through the economic landscape, their moves were bold, but the footprints? Monumentally deep. Let’s dive into the 20 seismic shifts they initiated, making the American Dream a […]
Sweet Tea & Savings: What Life in Mississippi Is Really Like
Picture yourself in a place where your paycheck has serious staying power, and Southern charm greets you at every turn. Welcome to Mississippi, where life is laid-back, the cost of living is refreshingly low, and every quirky detail adds a splash of color to daily life. Here, your financial goals can take flight—even as unique […]
How to Best Manage Your Bankroll While Playing Slots
There’s nothing better for me on a Friday night than to kick off my shoes, order my takeout, and settle down for a night of slots. You’ll find plenty of iGaming apps on my phone, and you’ll often find me spinning reels with a movie on in the background. It’s a great way to relax […]