Emergency Funds 101: Why They’re Essential for Financial Security

They’re called ‘emergency funds’ for a reason – this essential savings cache could be the only thing standing between you and disaster.  Should You Start Saving? You may have heard the phrase “emergency fund” being tossed around in news pieces and financial circles and wondered if it’s something you should consider. And the answer is […]

Social Security Simplified: Clearing Up Misconceptions About Your Benefits

Social Security is a crucial part of retirement planning, yet it’s surrounded by misconceptions. How much do you really know about your benefits? 1. Social Security Is Going Bankrupt It’s not going bankrupt; Social Security funds are projected to be sufficient until 2034. After that, the system can still pay 79% of benefits even without […]

Sunny Savings: Top 17 States for Solar Energy Investments

Investing in solar energy can be a smart financial move, especially in states where the conditions—both meteorological and economic—are favorable. High solar irradiance, strong state incentives, and favorable net metering policies can make solar investments particularly lucrative. Here are the top states in the U.S. where investing in solar energy can yield significant returns. 1. […]

The Price of Belief: Ranking Religions by the Cost to Practice

Ever pondered the financial side of practicing different faiths? Today, we’re delving into the costs involved in various religions, from the most economical to the priciest. Are you ready to uncover the cost of enlightenment?  1. Unitarian Universalism With an emphasis on personal exploration and social justice, Unitarian Universalism typically involves minimal financial commitments beyond […]

The Shifting American Dream: How It’s Changed from Boomers to Gen Z

The American Dream feels more out of reach than ever, especially for younger generations. What once seemed attainable with hard work now faces obstacles at every turn, from soaring college costs to the elusive goal of homeownership. Here’s a rundown of why it’s harder to achieve that dream today, especially when comparing the experiences of […]