Everyone has an opinion regarding finances, especially what someone else should do with their money. Family and friends offering suggestions mean well, but you must take what they say with a grain of salt. Sometimes, their counsel is sensible, but the advice is often terrible, and you should proceed with caution. Avoiding these financial pitfalls […]
Personal Finance
25 Financial Pitfalls People Over 50 Must Avoid
As you approach your 50s, financial foresight becomes more crucial than ever. This decade is often your last chance to fine-tune your retirement plan and avoid critical mistakes. But it’s so easy to misstep and scupper your retirement plans. Here, we look at 25 common financial pitfalls you must avoid to secure a comfortable and […]
Escape the Chaos: 24 Serene Yet Affordable Lifestyle Changes
Feeling worn out and watching your wallet thin out can be disheartening. But what if you could breathe new life into your daily routine and save money at the same time? We’ve gathered a collection of simple yet enriching activities that promise just that. Imagine cultivating your own vegetable garden, crafting cozy blankets, or mastering […]
25 ‘Frugal’ Wedding Ideas That Make Your Big Day Look Cheap
Weddings are a celebration of love, but they can also be a significant financial burden. According to The Knot, the average American wedding cost a whopping $30,000 in 2022! So you can understand why people want to make savings where possible. While it’s wise to be budget-conscious, there’s a fine line between frugal and cheap. […]
10 Tips for a Compassionate Talk About Retirement and Finances With Aging Parents
No matter what is going on in our lives, time always moves on. It is inevitable. It doesn’t stop to wait for us to get our acts together. It doesn’t pause when we’re sick. One day, we’re young. The next day, we’re elderly. We can only plan so much for each stage of our lives […]
Thriving Through Your 30s: 15 Mistakes To Avoid
Entering your 30s marks an exhilarating yet demanding phase – a time for personal growth, career strides, and potentially starting a family. However, it’s also a period where inadvertent mistakes might occur, carrying lasting repercussions. An online community recently shared fifteen commonly overlooked slip-ups made by individuals in their 30s. This is what they say […]
Saving Money on Exterior Home Repairs: 9 Helpful Tips
If your home’s exterior needs a little TLC but you’re not ready to break the bank, we’ve got some smart advice for you to make those repairs without giving up on quality. 1. DIY Dynamite: Tackling Small Repairs Yourself Grab your toolbox and tackle those small repairs yourself. DIY fixes can save you a bundle, […]
Why You Should Start Managing Your Finances
If you have been following financial news, SVB Financial Group recently collapsed in the past six months, and this was due to being unable to raise capital to keep operating. This news serves as a warning to both financial institutions and individuals about the importance of financial management. One of the most crucial life skills […]
Financial Matters to Think About When Creating Your Will
As you navigate the road of life, it’s essential to think about what you’ll leave behind. Your will isn’t just a legal document. It’s actually a reflection of your life’s work and your wishes for the ones you love. According to the CDC, the average life expectancy in the U.S. is 78.8 years, so it’s […]
How To Be Eligible For The IRS Fresh Start Program
Tax debts can be overwhelming, but the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has a program designed to offer relief to struggling taxpayers – the Fresh Start Program. This initiative has been a game-changer, offering a lifeline to individuals and businesses facing sizable tax debts. But how do you become eligible for this program? Here are key […]