It’s 2017 and the whole world is addicted to the internet. Is there anything you can’t find or do online? As it turns out, yes. There’s at least one thing you can’t simply order from a website and have it show up at your front door. You cannot buy Lularoe online. KaraKara Perez is the original […]
How Much Interest Does $1 Million Earn a Year?
Confession time: I want to be a millionaire. It’s a cultural and financial goal for me- I want to enter the hallowed ranks of millionaires, and I want to have the financial security that it can provide. I’m diligently saving and investing, but it occurred to me that I should know a bit more about the […]
Healthy Costco Foods To Add To Your Grocery List
Americans are notoriously bad eaters. A 2013 study confirmed we’re in last place when it comes to health stats among similarly wealthy democracies. We eat too much unhealthy food, in too large quantities, and we don’t move enough. Bulk stores, like Costco, have become a staple of the American grocery shopping routine. While it might seem […]
Crafting My Professional Image
One of my long-standing resolutions has been to work on my image. I’m a jeans and t-shirt, hair in a high bun, no make up kind of girl. I’ve simply never been into fashion, and that’s ok with me. But if we’re being honest here, it’s getting a little less ok with me. While I […]
Going After Your Biggest Dream
It’s been a week of deep thoughts over here in the ATX. I’ve been spending a lot of time planning an upcoming trip to Big Bend National Park with some friends, thinking about 2016 and calculating my income for 2015. As y’all know, I’ve been doing a lot of reflecting in general lately. Lots of […]
No Spend October Was a Failure- And I’m OK With It
I love the beginning of a new month. It feels like I get a fresh start 12 times a year. I’m a goal setting kind of gal and I respond really well to timelines, i.e, ‘I want to lose 3 pounds in two weeks!’ or ‘I want to go the whole month without unnecessary spending!’ […]
I Took A Color Oracle Test and It Nailed My Feelings on Finance
I love personality quizzes. I love them! Whether it’s one telling me which Hogwarts House I’d be sorted into or which Disney princess I’m most like, I really enjoy seeing lists of traits I embody. Positive or negative, I just like to be able to put names and descriptions on the things I’m feeling. Of […]
One Week Into No Spend October
Well folks, we’re one week into no spend October. I’m not going to lie, things have been hectic so far. My bestie is in town, I’m catering multiple events each week and then there’s just life in general. Things are happening people! KaraKara Perez is the original founder of From Frugal To Free. She is a […]
A Note From the Road
Arches National Park VACATION IS THE BEST! Why isn’t life always vacation? I guess I wouldn’t appreciate it as much if life was always vacation but I’m sure appreciating it right now. My boyfriend and I hit the road for an 8 day road trip last Saturday. We’re hitting New Mexico, Utah and Colorado. We’ve […]
Side Hustle Bonanza!
Hi y’all! I have some great posts coming for you, I promise. This week I am working a few different side hustles that have crazy hours. I’m currently blogging LIVE from a corporate video shoot. Stay tuned for more details and stories later this week! KaraKara Perez is the original founder of From Frugal To […]