This weekend the wonderful MJ over at Dream Beyond Debt nominated me for the Sunshine Blogger Award. A big thanks to her! For this award I am to answer a few questions then nominate and contact a few other bloggers with the same award. It’s a fun and cool way to share some facts about […]
How Focusing on Paying Off My Loans Helped Save Me
Between the ages of 25 and 26 things in my life sucked. I was broke, I was underemployed, I was scared, and I felt helpless. I had no direction, no money, and a boatload of debt. I was watching lots of my friends succeed in seemingly every area of their lives: getting raises and promotions at work, […]
Can Money Buy Happiness? A Broke Person’s View
It’s a common enough refrain: money can’t buy you happiness. The general idea behind the phrase is that the things in life that cause happiness are not things so much as experiences or emotions. Money can’t buy you more time with a grandparent. Money can’t buy you late nights with best friends. Money can’t buy love, and […]
A Frugal Meal, Italian Style
Continuing my quest to become a better adult through cooking, this week I made a very simple but delicious pasta dish. Once again my boyfriend and I stood together in the kitchen and asked that eternal question: ‘so…what do you feel like eating?’ My modus operandi has become this: look around the kitchen and try and […]
I’m on Twitter so Come Follow Me!
I’m taking some time from my non-profiting to make just a quick note today- I’m on Twitter! You can see on my handy dandy side bar the Twitter logo. Click that and it’ll take you to my new page. @frugaltofree is where I’m at and I’d love to connect with everyone reading this. Feel free […]
Smart or Dumb: The Decision is In!
I recently asked y’all if changing my blogs name and moving the content to a new blog was smart or dumb. I was feeling like my complete name is actually not such a great idea for a personal finance specific blog. As I have other writing interests and want to grow my portfolio in those […]
Smart or Dumb: Changing My Blog’s Name
Welcome back for another round of Smart or Dumb! Smart or Dumb is a series here where I present a financial question I have to my readers. I’ll present the question and you dear readers, must choose definitively one side, Smart or Dumb. You can’t waffle in between or play the devil’s advocate. You pick and […]
Actually Cooking For Once: A Frugal Meal
God knows I am not a born cook. My interest in food stems from eating it, not assembling it. I don’t care to try out recipies or to just go into the kitchen and ‘throw something together’ for a meal. In my perfect culinary world, a delicious and nutritious meal would magically appear on my […]
It’s Been Six Months With No Clothes Shopping- But That’s About to Change
Earlier this year I made a pledge to go a year without buying clothes. Six months in, that has been an incredibly pledge easy to keep. I dislike clothes shopping and I don’t have a personal interest in fashion. I don’t spend my free time browsing clothing sites or at the mall. I’m also lucky […]
A Weekend of Debt Free Celebration!
Sorry to go MIA everyone, but as you might have heard, I paid off all my debt recently. And boy oh boy, did I celebrate! Look at those numbers up there, how could I NOT celebrate? KaraKara Perez is the original founder of From Frugal To Free. She is a money expert, speaker and founder […]