Debt Payoff- May Update

May has come and practically gone. It was a truly rainy month here in Austin. While rain is normally a welcome thing in our drought ridden part of the country, we’ve experienced some extreme flooding and all the damages that come with that. It’s a tough time for many here in Central Texas. If you […]

I Think I have an Exact Debt Freedom Date

I have some very exciting news today y’all. It almost doesn’t seem real. After months of working my butt off, sending every spare dollar towards my debt and just dreaming of the day that I would be debt free, I think that day is in site.  After some careful debt payments calculations (one of my […]

Back in Action!

Hi y’all! I bet you thought I’d forgotten you. Never fear! I’m back from vacation, I’m starting a new schedule and I’m ready to be blogging again. I’m playing catch-up with my nonprofit job but you can expect a San Diego recap tomorrow. I’ve also got exciting debt news, job news and some lifestyle hopes […]

Off to San Diego Tomorrow!

The time has arrived! I head off to San Diego at 7am tomorrow morning (woof, early flight). I’m excited and a little nervous. I really want to enjoy my time away and with my besties but I also want to remain true to my budget. I only have $2,400 left on my loans and come […]

Smart or Dumb: The Decision is In!

A few days ago I asked the second question in my ‘Smart or Dumb’ series. I was torn between using some of my emergency fund cash ($1000) to help pay off my remaining debt this month. I’ve been carrying debt since 2011 and I am only $2,700 away from being debt free. As any reader of […]

Birthday Wisdom From a 27 Year Old

This week I turned 27 years old! All grown up and blogging just like an adult. As I have gracefully aged another year and gained more wisdom, I thought it was a good moment to reflect on the financial and life lessons learned in the past year. KaraKara Perez is the original founder of From Frugal […]