#OscarSoWhite….and Male

Last week the 2015 Oscar nominees were announced. If you’ve paid even the slightest attention to it, you know that there was some very real backlash to the list this year. While the Oscars, like Hollywood, traditionally are dominated by white male stories, actors and directors, this year they were particularly so. KaraKara Perez is the […]

On Nicki Minaj and Being Relentlessly Female

(source) Nicki Minaj is a woman-one who is making sure no one forgets that. Through both her lyrics and her appearance, Nicki Minaj has confronted the male gaze and championed over it. She displays herself as a hyper-female woman in the mostly male dominated world of hip-hop and mainstream music. KaraKara Perez is the original founder of […]

On Changing Opinions and Taylor Swift

You know what most people are practically incapable of? Admitting that their opinions have changed. We tend to form an opinion and cling to it with every fiber of our being; if we once stated that we hate something, we forever cling to that hatred, oftentimes flying in the face of evidence to the contrary. […]

Paying Off Debt

Paying off debt is hard work. Even if you’re crazy excited to do it like me and get a little thrill when you submit a payment, it’s hard to allocate money each month to give to someone else. It’s even harder not think what you could do with that money. A trip to Europe? A […]

Fox To Help Mentor Women Directors

Variety reported on Tuesday that 21st Century Fox would this week launch a mentoring program for female film directors. The program will last five weeks and have twenty participants. At the end of the five weeks, five finalists will be selected to receive additional mentoring and funding for another 10 months. Fox’s announcement directly tackles the […]