It’s a brand new year! What are you doing new? With every new year, you should be sitting back and evaluating what you accomplished or didn’t last year and making plans for the future. Along with all the fun things you want to do, you have to consider serious topics too. One of the more serious things you should be considering is setting financial goals for 2022. If you don’t know how to go about setting them, let me show you how.
Every goal-setting session must start with brainstorming. When it comes to setting goals, I always sit down with my trusty pen and notebook. I just think about everything I wished I accomplished in the past and where I see my life headed in the future. I then jot down all my ideas. This year’s ideas were about real-estate investing, contributing more to my 401k account, and how to retire in the next nine years.
Setting It In Stone, Sort Of
After gathering up your ideas, it’s time to put intent behind them and get them written down on something more permanent. You can type them up on paper, write out a proposal, make a poster, and more. Make sure that no matter where you write it, you can see it every day. This will help remind you to stay focused on reaching the task. When you write down your goals, make them specific, measurable, and reasonable. As you make progress, you can always move the goalpost.
Set Time Aside
Make sure you regularly check in with your goals. I check in with mine every three months. I note my progress, mark out goals that have been reached, and update goals I am still working on. If your goals require more attention, you can review them monthly or even weekly. All that matters is that you keep them fresh in your mind, spend time working towards them, and hold yourself accountable.
It’s a new year, and I want to see you achieve all of your goals. If you’re having trouble brainstorming what kind of financial goals you should set, check out the posted video.
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My 5 Frugal Goals for January 2022
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Shatel Huntley has a Bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice from Georgia State University. In her spare time, she works with special needs adults and travels the world. Her interests include traveling to off the beaten path destinations, shopping, couponing, and saving.