I love personality quizzes. I love them! Whether it’s one telling me which Hogwarts House I’d be sorted into or which Disney princess I’m most like, I really enjoy seeing lists of traits I embody. Positive or negative, I just like to be able to put names and descriptions on the things I’m feeling.
Of course, I take all these tests with a huge grain of salt. I don’t live and die by the results- they’re just a guilty pleasure. Recently though, I took a ‘color oracle’ test and I have to say that it was spot on with it’s description of my approach to finances.
The color oracle test consisted of picking boxes of colors that I found ‘most pleasing’ and then ‘most unpleasing’, back and forth like that, 12 times. So I had 6 pleasant colors and six unpleasant colors in a row on top of each other. There were a lot of colors to choose from and then I pressed ‘done’ and viola! Instant results.
They give you a ‘General Disposition’ of your overall result and then a break down of all the colors you found pleasing and displeasing and what that means about you. These are my favorite kind of results: a general overview that sums it all up and then a breakdown of the details. My heart was happy.
Like I said, I found the general disposition to be spot on. Here it is for y’all:
“At the present time, your behavior is characterized by your need for prosperity. Having enough money means security for you, but also the freedom to be able to afford something that brings you joy and to be better able to live in accordance with your own ideas. Your attitude towards money is ambivalent: you generally think very economically, and you save money where you can in order to hold onto it. At times, however, you unexpectedly spend a great deal because you also want to get something out of it.”
Let’s break this down a little bit and see why I agree with it.
“Having enough money means security for you, but also the freedom to be able to afford something that brings you joy and to be better able to live in accordance with your own ideas.”
This is so true! I crave financial security. I want to be stable and to know I can weather any changes that the world throws my way. A large part of my desire to reach FIRE is the security that comes with that- knowing that I have money and resources at my fingertips no one can take away. From FIRE I can ‘live in accordance with my own ideas’- namely travel and write!
“Your attitude towards money is ambivalent: you generally think very economically, and you save money where you can in order to hold onto it.”
I mean, I’m a personal finance blogger. Heck yes I think very economically! I save because that’s the only way to hold onto my money and holding onto my money is the only way to achieve stability. It’s a beautiful circle.
Anywho, here are the rest of my results. I’ve bolded the sentences I think describe me.
“Of great importance to you now is…crisis-proof existential survival.

“You need the comforting certainty of having a solid base in your life. Stable living conditions, adequate income and sensual pleasure and a certain measure of comfort are among your life goals. You want to be secure against the whims of fate and to be able to devote yourself without distraction to the things that give you satisfaction. For this reason, you resolutely apply yourself to the task of creating a crisis-proof existence, despite any obstacles which might appear.”
The thing you consider very important for your sense of wellbeing is……alert self-protection.

You carefully scrutinize everything that crosses your path, and you don’t say yes to it until it has passed your acid test. You decidedly and resolutely fend off everything that could hinder your personal development, and you keep your distance from unpleasant people who try to manipulate, define or influence you.
The thing you have consciously planned is……vigorous self-assertion.

You now want to pull out all the stops in order to achieve what you have planned. Your chances are good because if you feel something is important you are able to show initiative, grab the opportunity spontaneously and act with vigor. You can also display energetic efforts in your personal relationships: if you love or admire someone you are prepared to undertake quite a bit in order to win or hold on to his affection.
This dark pink color I think really speaks to my belief in how to get what I want for myself. The deep green color (one of my true favorites) I think speaks to my willingness to work seven days a week at multiple jobs in order to put myself on a stable financial footing. The deep teal highlighted for me how I am able to block out things that I don’t find useful or might distract me from my goal.
Of course, there were the six colors that I found displeasing that highlighted some not so favorable characteristics and fears of mine. But this post is no time for that! While I wasn’t looking for a personal finance test I was happy to see that the color oracle did in fact nail my feelings on the subject.
If you want to take the test head here. Feel free to share the results in the comments!

Kara Perez is the original founder of From Frugal To Free. She is a money expert, speaker and founder of Bravely Go, a feminist financial education company. Her work has been featured on NPR, Business Insider, Forbes, and Elite Daily.