Being frugal does not always mean being cheap. It means comparing something you were looking at to other places that sell the same item and have the same quality and ensuring you get the best deals. For me, that often means getting luxury and name-brand items at a discount. But it’s not for me savings on food, groceries, and other general everyday use items. If you’re hoping to remain frugal and save money, here’s how you make frugal choices.
Comparison Shopping
A frugal shopper will always go look for product comparisons. They will never just buy something because it’s on sale. They will want to know if the sale is good or if they can find better value elsewhere. One way to do this is through the use of comparison shopping websites. Google Shopping and Shopzillia are good options for this. They display results for your item across various retailers at different price points. By putting that information right in front of you, you know how much you expect to spend and where the best deals are!
Brand Loyalty
A frugal shopper will have some type of brand loyalty. Brand loyalty comes in different forms, from loyalty rewards to email sign-up lists. I have a loyalty status to places I frequent, including restaurants, stores, entertainment venues, and hotels. Being a loyal member means having access to special savings, discounts, and deals. Many times I find these deals in my email. Brand loyalty has gotten me access to exclusive parties, major discounts at local restaurants, and even free rooms and dinners
Keeping Your Spending In Check
Lastly, you need to keep your spending in check. A frugal person will not buy everything because they want it. They would consider every purchase that they make. That includes thinking about if they need it, if it’s financially feasible, and the longevity of the product. Once all these things are considered, the purchase can be made. Aside from that, they would make and stick to their budget.
Here are just a few examples of making frugal choices. For more information, watch the posted video and read more below.
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Shatel Huntley has a Bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice from Georgia State University. In her spare time, she works with special needs adults and travels the world. Her interests include traveling to off the beaten path destinations, shopping, couponing, and saving.