Medicare vs Obamacare: The Differences Explained

Did you know that around 44 million people in the United States do not have health insurance and around 38 million do not have enough health insurance? If you are currently looking for health insurance or want to choose better insurance with more coverage but are confused between Medicare vs Obamacare, we are here to help.

Keep reading to learn the differences in our guide below.

Medicare vs Obamacare

Some people are under the impression that Obamacare or Affordable Care Act (ACA) and Medicare are the same, but they are actually two totally different types of coverage. Before we go into greater detail, Obamacare is a series of laws that regulate the health insurance industry in the United States, while Medicare is a federal health insurance program.


President Barack Obama signed this into law in 2010. He made it mandatory for everyone to have health insurance coverage or else they would face a tax penalty. In 2019 the tax penalty was revoked.

There are plenty of plans to choose from in the Marketplace. The premiums for Obamacare plans range between $326 per month to $865 per month. The prices vary based on your coverage and your state because some states have higher premiums than others, such as Wyoming.

Obamacare plans are categorized by bronze, silver, gold, and platinum, with bronze having the least amount of coverage. All of the levels cover essential benefits like emergency care, newborn care, prescription, etc.

With Obamacare plans there is an open enrollment period every fall where you can enroll in a new plan or exchange your existing plan. This period runs from November 1st to December 15th. If you miss the deadline you have to wait until the following year unless, you qualify for the special enrollment period.


Medicare is available for anyone that is 65 years of age or Americans that have a disability that qualifies them for Medicare. Medicare Parts A and B are provided by the federal government. Pat A is coverage for inpatient care and hospital costs, while Part B gives coverage for certain doctors visits, medical equipment, and outpatient care services.

With Medicare Part A most people pay for this through their paycheck tax deductions and therefore have a free monthly premium when the time comes. The standard monthly premium for Part B is $144.60 as of the year 2020. For anyone that has a lower income, there are several federal programs that will help pay for certain Medicare costs.

When you first become eligible for Medicare you are given a seven-month window where you can sign up for your Medicare and supplemental plans such as MedicareWire. Between October 15 through December 7th every year, you can switch or make changes to your current plan.

Ready to Make a Decision?

Now that you know more about Medicare vs Obamacare, you can make an informed decision on what is best for you and your needs. You can check to see what you are eligible for and take it from there.

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