Boost for Wallets: Working Families Can Stretch Their Dollars Further, New Report Shows

In a revealing update from Primerica, middle-income households in the United States are finally seeing a glimmer of financial stability. The latest Primerica Household Budget Index™ (HBI™), which provides an essential gauge of household economic standing, indicates a turn in fortunes, but it’s not all smooth sailing yet.

A Positive Shift

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The HBI™, focusing on households earning $30,000 to $130,000, showed a rise to 100.5% in November 2023. This marks an improvement from October’s 99.1% and a significant leap from the previous year’s 93.7%.

November saw a drop in gasoline and food prices, coupled with stable household incomes. This combination helped families improve their purchasing power, a relief after months of financial strain.

Budget Deficits Persist

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Despite recent improvements, middle-income families have faced an average budget deficit of about $2,500 since 2021. Rising costs of essential items have been a constant challenge.

Economist Amy Crews Cutts notes that if not for the pandemic, the HBI™ would be around 10% higher. Increased credit card debt and limited savings accumulation continue to be concerns for many families.

The HBI™, set in January 2019, reflects the budgetary baseline for middle-income households. A peak in November 2020 showed a then-strong financial position due to wage growth outpacing daily living costs. However, rising inflation reversed these gains.

The Pandemic’s Financial Toll

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Since May 2021, the average middle-income household has exceeded its budget for necessities by approximately $2,425. Without the pandemic’s impact, the index might have been around 110% today.

Compiled by Primerica’s chief economic consultant, Amy Crews Cutts, the HBI™ uses data from various federal sources to assess the purchasing power of middle-income families, focusing on essential living costs versus income.

The index closely monitors the cost of vital necessities, offering insights into the financial challenges and decisions faced by these households.

Navigating Economic Changes

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Middle-income households face a complex financial landscape. The HBI™ serves as a critical tool for understanding the economic environment in light of ever-fluctuating costs.

Understanding the HBI™ helps in making informed decisions about budgeting, saving, and spending, which are crucial for financial health.

An HBI™ value above 100% suggests that families have more financial leeway, potentially allowing for additional savings or debt reduction. While a value below 100% suggests a need for budget cuts or increased debt.

Methodology Adjustments

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Recent changes in methodology, particularly regarding health insurance costs, have been made to the HBI™ to better reflect consumer experiences. This update aims for a more accurate representation of household expenditures.

For middle-income families, the road to financial recovery remains complex. While recent data is encouraging, the lingering impact of the pandemic and inflation poses ongoing challenges.

A Long Road to Recovery

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Ursula Page

While the HBI™ shows positive signs, the journey to full financial recovery for middle-income families is far from over. Continuous vigilance will be key.

As the economic conditions evolve, middle-income households must adapt. Staying informed and adjusting budgets accordingly will be critical in maintaining financial health.

The HBI™ not only provides a snapshot of the current financial situation but also offers insights for future planning. It’s a valuable resource for families navigating the complexities of the economy.

Cautious Optimism

Image Credit: Shutterstock / eldar nurkovic

The Primerica Household Budget Index™ paints a cautiously optimistic picture for middle-income American households. However, the long-term effects of the pandemic and inflation continue to influence financial decisions. 

While there’s been a notable improvement in purchasing power, the path to financial stability is still fraught with challenges. With continued vigilance and smart financial planning, families can hope to maintain and build upon these recent gains.

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The post Boost for Wallets: Working Families Can Stretch Their Dollars Further, New Report Shows first appeared on From Frugal to Free.

Featured Image Credit: Shutterstock / Stokkete. The people shown in the images are for illustrative purposes only, not the actual people featured in the story.

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