Auto Dealers Resist Push for Electric Vehicles

The ambitious goal set by the Biden administration for electric vehicle (EV) adoption is facing significant challenges.  Auto Dealers Express Concerns More than 3,000 auto dealers in the U.S. have urged the White House to reconsider its aggressive EV targets. Their collective sentiment highlights a lack of consumer readiness and enthusiasm for battery electric vehicles […]

How to Build Credit from Scratch During College

Building credit from scratch can seem impossible for many, especially for college students who are just beginning their financial journey. However, establishing a positive credit history during college is important for future financial success, as it can affect your ability to qualify for loans, credit cards, and other essential financial products. Let’s talk about the […]

Fed Chair Points to Interest Rate Reductions Despite Inflation Concerns

In a recent interview, Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell affirmed the central bank’s commitment to a series of interest rate cuts this year. Powell’s statements, featured on “60 Minutes,” shed light on the Federal Reserve’s strategy amid a backdrop of a healthy economy and a slowing inflation rate. Federal Reserve’s Rate Cut Projection In December, […]

Visa and Mastercard Antitrust Settlement: Promising News for Consumers

Visa and Mastercard have­ reached a huge se­ttlement in an antitrust case brought by me­rchants over many years. The se­ttlement is set to affect numerous businesses and shoppers and transform how cre­dit card networks, banks, and retailers inte­ract. Let’s explore this ground-breaking settlement in full detail. Unveiling the­ Antitrust Settlement Visa, Maste­rcard, and affiliated banks […]