20 Inexpensive Travel Hacks That’ll Make Your Trip Unforgettable

Lady holding travel hacks sign

Traveling provides so many breathtaking views and unforgettable moments. Although it doesn’t have to, traveling can also be very expensive. Saving money on travel isn’t something they teach in school. Savvy travelers know the best ways to save while still having optimal experiences. 1. Shop Local Immerse yourself in local culture by stopping at a […]

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Escape the Chaos: 24 Serene Yet Affordable Lifestyle Changes

Woman thrifting looking at clothes with red basket

Feeling worn out and watching your wallet thin out can be disheartening. But what if you could breathe new life into your daily routine and save money at the same time? We’ve gathered a collection of simple yet enriching activities that promise just that. Imagine cultivating your own vegetable garden, crafting cozy blankets, or mastering […]

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Explore New York On The Cheap

Explore New York on the cheap

I just recently had a fabulous three days in New York City. I traveled there with my sister, and we took advantage of our time by engaging in some wonderful activities. Among my favorite was my dessert at Max Brenner, the show at Theater XIV, and exploring Chinatown and Little Italy. Before we made our […]

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