Employers Upset Over Recent Changes in 401(k) Rules

The latest Biden administration rule on 401(k) plans is reshaping how employers manage retirement plans. It’s a complex scenario requiring a fresh understanding of fiduciary duties and provider relationships. This rule aims to protect employees but also imposes new responsibilities on employers.  Revised Fiduciary Standards The U.S. Labor Department’s new rules expand fiduciary investment advice […]

Maryland’s Gun Insurance Law Means Big Costs for Owners

A controversial gun control plan, recently proposed by Democrats in the Maryland House, is currently making waves throughout Maryland. If this legislation passes, gun owners will have to buy liability insurance to carry their firearms in public. Gun advocates are calling the bill a concentrated attack on Maryland citizens’ Second Amendment rights, while gun control […]

Millionaires Identifying with Middle Class: Truth or Myth?

Feeling “rich” is an increasingly elusive concept in contemporary society. Even among those with substantial financial resources, only a mere 8% characterize themselves as truly wealthy. The Perception of the Upper Middle Class A recent Ameriprise Financial survey reveals the intriguing fact that approximately 60% of investors with $1 million or more of investable assets […]