Marriage and Money: 19 Ways Saying ‘I Do’ Can Save You Big

Marriage isn’t just a union of hearts; it’s often a savvy financial partnership as well. From tax breaks to shared expenses, here are 19 reasons why tying the knot can be a boon for your bank account, showcasing that sometimes, love does come with a price tag — fortunately, one that often saves you money.

1. Tax Benefits

Married couples filing jointly often enjoy lower tax rates, along with the ability to deduct a spouse’s medical expenses, showcasing the IRS’s subtle nod to romance.

2. Double the Benefits

Two can play at the benefits game, with access to double the employer-sponsored perks like health insurance and retirement plans, turning “I do” into “we earn.”

3. Shared Housing Costs

Splitting the mortgage or rent isn’t just romantic; it’s economical, turning the dream of homeownership or living in a better location into an attainable goal.

4. Economies of Scale

From groceries to utilities, the cost per person drops when you’re buying for two, making the budget stretch further in a shared household.

5. Combined Debts

Managing debt is less daunting with a partner, allowing strategies like using one income for living expenses and the other for paying down debts more swiftly.

6. Dual Incomes

More income streams mean more financial flexibility, whether it’s for saving, investing, or splurging on those shared dreams of travel and adventure.

7. Savings on Insurance

Many insurance providers offer lower rates for married couples, recognizing the stability marriage brings, from auto policies to health insurance.

8. Inheritance Benefits

Spouses typically have the right to inherit from each other without estate or inheritance taxes, a poignant reminder that love can indeed last beyond a lifetime.

9. Social Security Perks

Married couples have access to potentially higher Social Security benefits, either through spousal benefits or survivor benefits, securing a financial safety net for the future.

10. Joint Bank Accounts

Pooling resources in joint accounts can simplify finances and strengthen mutual trust, making it easier to manage monthly bills and save for joint goals.

11. Bigger Loans, Better Rates

Applying for loans jointly often results in better terms and lower interest rates, making the dream home or car more within reach.

12. Sharing Financial Goals

Marriage often leads to aligned financial goals, from saving for a house to planning retirement, fostering a teamwork approach to money management.

13. Healthier Investment Portfolio

Two heads are better than one, especially when diversifying investments and retirement accounts, potentially leading to more robust financial growth.

14. Fewer Bad Habits

Couples may influence each other to ditch costly habits like smoking or frequent nights out in favor of more budget-friendly home-cooked meals and Netflix.

15. Accountability Partners

Having someone to discuss financial decisions with can lead to more prudent spending and saving habits, keeping both partners accountable.

16. Bulk Buying

Couples can take advantage of bulk-buying savings for everyday items, reducing the cost per unit and making budgeting a breeze.

17. Emotional Security

The emotional security that comes with marriage often translates into financial confidence, encouraging long-term planning over short-term impulses.

18. Creative Financing

From DIY projects to researching the best deals, two minds can come up with more creative ways to stretch the dollar further than one.

19. Legacy Planning

Marriage simplifies the process of planning for heirs and next of kin, ensuring that assets are passed down according to the couple’s wishes.

Better Together

While marriage comes with its own set of challenges and expenses, it’s clear that from a financial perspective, saying “I do” can open up a world of economic advantages. These 19 points highlight how marriage can be as much a financial partnership as a romantic one, proving that love and money can indeed go hand in hand.

Featured Image Credit: Shutterstock / Jacob Lund.

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